Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 45 - New Release Date - April 4, 2024

Happy 45th Volume!

What does it mean? What's the significance?


I've decided to shift the day I send this... again... 

I'll send it on Thursdays, for at least the next couple of weeks. 


Don't worry about it.

check out this cool stuff

cool movie/tv stuff

I've been watching Masters of the Air on Apple+. Pretty solid. I was always a huge fan of Memphis Belle. Finished Oppenheimer. Holy s**t. Epic. Well made. Well acted. Somehow 3 hours felt long and fast simultaneously. Also, the Road House reboot was pretty well done. A great modern homage to the ridiculous action genre that blessed/cursed us from 1985 - 1992. (e.g. Commando, Action Jackson, all Steven Seagal movies, all Jean Claude Van Damme movies, OG Road House, OG Point Break)

cool reading stuff

I finished Dilla Time. It's incredibly thorough in the wrong places. IMO, there was not enough about the process of JDilla and where his inspiration came from, e.g. the records/music his parents listened to, or more about the hip-hop that influenced him. 

The coolest parts were the breakdown of how his musical production differed from rhythmic patterns throughout history. 

cool shameless self promotion stuff

I am assistant directing To Peach Their Own at Dad's Garage. It's another thing on my plate that has made this newsletter difficult to stay consistent with. Anyway, we open on April 13th. I might* be DJing the opening night after party... 

*I am

A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege to perform with some former students and I was honored that some of you reading even came out to support. I really appreciate it and it gives me great joy to continue to see all of you. 

Just a reminder: I always have an open door email policy. If there are ever career, improv, or acting questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

That about wraps it up this week. See you next Thursday!

Click here for all the past volumez. 

And remember, this labor of love is handcrafted and distilled every week. Click here if you want to show some love and "subscribe." And even if you don't, I'll still send you the newsletter :) 

Much love,


Abel Arias