Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 9 - July 4, 2023

Welcome to Volume Nine! Niner! Niner..rom..o..vich...shutup!

jk jk

But seriously, welcome back. It's July 4th today, which means this one's gonna be short and sweet. Vamonos!

Movie Stuff!

The newest and last (?) Indiana Jones movie came out this past weekend. I haven't seen it, but I did rewatch Last Crusade. It miiiight be my favorite because it's the only one I saw in the theatres as a kid. 1989 was also a helluva year for movies

It also brought to mind these two Indy inspired internet gems: One by Steven Soderbergh, and the other is the Indiana Jones brainstorming session transcribed. If you are interested in movies AT ALL, please click those links. So much fun to read and watch. 

Reading Stuff!

I finished Cloud Cuckoo Land and it is somehow delightful and sad at the same time. A bit too long for my taste, it still held my attention despite my skimming some overly descriptive passages. 

Above Ground, the book of poems, hits you right in the parent. Oh man, definitely some tears shed... Niagara Falls...

Thanks again for reading! This is definitely a labor of love, and if you're so inclined, please throw a few bucks at the venmo (@Abel-Arias) 

Forward to any like-minded folks and click here for all the past volumes. See you next week! 

Much love,


Abel Arias