Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 10 - July 11, 2023

10 weeks! 


Summer is in full swing. I hope everyone is staying cool and I'm glad we can K.I.T. 

Here's a playlist I put together. For some reason, these songs remind me of Summer. 

Cool Stuff

I visited some family this week and my brother-in-law showed me this youtube channel. What does it have to do with acting? Nothing! Ok, not nothing, but it's a roundabout way of encouraging us to do the stuff we love. The guy fixes abandoned vehicles and drives them home! 

The TED Talk channel is another fun rabbit hole to go down. These shorties are great if you want to save time or save the planet. And if you want a glimpse of why I love doing what I do, watch this. It's heavy, but incredibly inspiring. 

Random thoughts

Something that's been coming up lately: the idea that everything is derivative of something. 

Within the last couple weeks there were some links that ended up having this message in it, this article and this roundtable

One of the best parts of being an actor is that we get to make our choices and express them how we want, even if we're "stealing" or using something we went through to help us pretend, As I've said before, your choices are enough. 

-I'm 5 episodes into The Bear. Man, I love that show. Please. No spoilers. Heard. I'm hoping to be done with it by the time the next round of classes begins. 

-Speaking of, (what a transition!) if you're so inclined, here are links to my August classes:







Sorry, not sorry for the shameless self-promotion. 

- I'm still hungry to create more and when I think i'm not doing "enough," this post puts me at ease.

-We lost a great one recently, RIP Alan Arkin. He was a part of the original Second City which makes him an early pioneer of mainstream improvisation. Click here for an interview from CBS in 2007.

That's it for me. 

This newsletter is fun and a labor of love. The option is always there to send a few bucks to the venmo (@Abel-Arias). Consider it a subscription ;)

Much love,


Abel Arias