Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 35 - LATE EDITION - January 17, 2024

Welcome to 35!

Shorty but goody. Let's go!

cool acting stuff

I have yet to watch them, but The Hollywood Reporter roundtable discussions are out. These are fantastic. I have referred to them in past issues and am looking forward to these. Along with so many gems, they're another great reminder that your choices are enough. Check them out and let me know what you think!

cool improv stuff

For actors reading this, I'm co-teaching an improv intensive on January 28th with the amazing Tara Ochs. There are three spots left so don't delay if you're considering it. Click here to sign up. 

cool random travel stuff

Somehow, the newest session of classes at Dad's made me think of atlas obscura. If you travel near or far, check it out for some off the beaten path stuff. 

cool music stuff

We celebrated the MLK Jr. holiday and I try to listen to Hotter Than July every year around this time. Stevie Wonder wrote Happy Birthday for MLK and played a major part in getting the Holiday celebrated nationally. It was actually voted down by congress... <tugs collar>

Something to think  about: It was first celebrated nationally in 1986.... 

Click here for all the past volumez. 

And remember, this labor of love is handcrafted and distilled every week. Click here if you want to show some love and "subscribe." And even if you don't, I'll still send you the newsletter :) 

Much love, 


Abel Arias