Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 29 - November 21, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate!!

I'm incredibly grateful for all of you that I've gotten to work with and continue to read this newsletter. 

And let's acknowledge the original inhabitants of the lands we celebrate and live on. Click here for a detailed map. 

Let's look at some cool stuff:

Cool music stuff

Just found this dope cover of Sailing

Revisiting this Kadhja Bonet album 

And because it's Thanksgiving on Thursday, here's this goofy classic by Adam Sandler. 

Cool movie stuff

On some espionage, special ops vibes, I watched (for the first time) Three Days Of The Condor and re-watched (for the 5th or 6th time) Sicario

Both are from completely different eras, but both are very good movies with very good actors. 

Cool improv stuff

I am grateful to 'teach' at two different places in Atlanta: Drama Inc. and Dad's Garage. I put teach in quotes because I don't know if I consider myself a teacher as much as I help people explore different aspects of their process and creativity. I know that's getting a little out in the weeds about it. I bring it up because these two fine businesses have allowed me to 'teach' without holding me back in the slightest. For that, I am forever thankful. 

Cool shameless self-promotion stuff

I'm on a podcast! Check out the latest episode of Welcome to Colonel. I had a blast recording it and I hope you enjoy listening to it. 

I'm in a show! Y'allmark Christmas: An Improvised Holiday Movie at The Horizon Theatre. Here's a list of the dates I'm performing:

Dec. 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18 (2pm matinee) 19, 21, 22, 23

All the shows are at 8pm, except the matinee on the 18th.

Let me know if you plan on making one. It should be some ridiculous heart-warming fun. 

That wraps it up! 

Click here for all the past volumez. 

Hit me with any questions! 

And remember, this labor of love is basted, and perfectly seasoned every week. Click here if you want to show some love and "subscribe." And even if you don't, I'll still send you the newsletter :) 

Enjoy your week!

Much love,


Abel Arias