Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 22 - October 3, 2023

Happy October, y'all!!

Showing the oldest kid some classics and trying to gauge if he's old enough to watch some of the fun Halloween movies. Too young for The Monster Squad but not Ghostbusters. It brought to mind Breaking Bread WIth The Dead by Alan Jacobs. He quotes Tony Tost: 

"The reason so many younger Americans have apparently no awareness of singers/movies/TV Shows/writers from before their teenage years is because their parents (my generation) have been overindulgent in letting them only access culture that is only marketed to their age group."

Basically, watch stuff that your parents watched. Forreals. Do it. If you're an actor, watch movies. Don't write them off because they're "old." Your favorite actors and directors have favorite actors and directors who made "old movies." So get watching. 

<steps off of soap box>

Cool reading stuff

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals has me hooked. I'll let you know what I think after I'm done. Still reading Gringos. Don't judge. Still having a hard time with Creative Quest. Maybe 3 books is too many? 

Stuff that lives rent free in my brain

My Blue Heaven starring Steve Martin and Rick Moranis is an underrated gem of a comedy. This scene in particular. Grocery shopping might be a whole new experience.

Cool movie stuff

Looking forward to revisiting some spooky favorites:

The Lost Boys, and Attack The Block to name a couple. Send me your favorites! 

RIP Michael Gambon. He was extra hateable in Toys

Click here for all the past volumez. 

And remember, this labor of love is handcrafted and distilled every week. Click here if you want to show some love and "subscribe." And even if you don't, I'll still send you the newsletter :) 

 Much love, 


Abel Arias